Conversational Turn Taking


Developing speech-language skills in the preschool child involves more than teaching children vocabulary and working on development of specific articulation sounds. Working on turn taking and conversation skills are significant elements in effective communication skills. Parents may wonder what are effective ways to address these areas with their young child. Here are some suggestions:

1. Match the length of your child’s turn (keep your turn short and simple).

2. Match your child’s pace (slow down and wait for your child’s response, don’t rush the conversation).

3. Match your child’s interest (your child will take more turns if the topic is of interest to him/her). Cue your child to take a turn.

Some ways to do this are: leaning in towards your child, looking expectantly without talking, asking simple questions the child is able and willing to answer. Talking to your child is an integral part of speech and language development.

Hope these suggestions increase your enjoyment of your conversations with your preschooler.