Mrs. Sabbagh, Ms. Lombardi, Mrs. Scott, and Ms. Langan are the teachers of our four preschool classrooms. We work together to plan a theme-based and developmentally appropriate program which meets the individual needs of the participating students. Instructional techniques for assisting children in developing their intellectual, social-emotional , language, self-help, and physical skills range from play-based incidental learning to direct instruction.
Mrs. Kathy Kanya is the physical therapist for the pre-school classrooms. Physical Therapy helps students to move more independently and safely in the classroom, hallways, and playground. As a physical therapist, Mrs. Kanya also looks at student’s postural control and may recommend adaptive equipment to help position students for optimal learning. School based physical therapists help students to learn gross motor skills such as jumping, hopping, galloping and do this by coming to gym classes, bringing motor group activities into the classroom, working individually with students, and joining classes for recess times. Mrs. Kanya is also available to attend PPTs, evaluate students gross motor and mobility skills, and consult with other teachers and professionals that work with the pre-school students.
Mrs. Joan Schmidt is a speech-language pathologist serving the preschool programs at Willard elementary school. The speech pathologist addresses students’ speech and language development and communication needs. Sessions are geared toward many aspects of speech and language such as articulation, verbal skills, concept development and vocabulary as well as augmentative communication. Comprehensive evaluation services are provided. Mrs. Schmidt is certified by the American Speech Language Hearing Association and is currently a Level 2 Picture Exchange Communication System Implementer. She a member of the Apraxia Kids Expert provider list and is a member of the CREC Augmentative & Alternative Communication Council. Please feel free to contact her with your questions.
Karen Daigle is the Occupational Therapist who services the preschool classrooms. Occupational Therapy evaluates and works with students who need assistance developing their motor planning, fine and visual/motor, and self-help skills. Occupational Therapy also helps students who have difficulties with processing sensory information within their environment. Karen works with students directly within her therapy room as well as the preschool classrooms, consults with the preschool classroom teachers and assists with embedding therapeutic activities and interventions within the classroom routines.
Ashley Zagorski school psychologist, works as a consultant to the preschool programs. In her role, she works in the classroom observing and providing recommendations and supports to the teachers and therapists who work directly with the children. In addition, Ms. Zagorski attends Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meetings, especially when preschoolers are referred by parents or through the Birth-to-Three System. When referred by the PPT, Ms. Zagorski may also evaluate students either informally through a play-based arena assessment or with more standardized measures of cognition and behavior. Ms. Zagorski also provides information and recommendations to parents on a variety of developmental and behavioral issues.