Look at Me!! I am Three!! I can . . .
- Jump with both feet off the floor
- Ride a tricycle using pedals
- Walk on tiptoes
- Goes up stairs alone, without holding on
- Run well
- Kick a ball
- Catch a ball with the arms and body
I turned Four!! I can do so much more!! I can . . .
- Gallop
- Go up stairs alternating feet without the railing
- Hop a few times on each foot
- Catch a large ball using just the hands
- Throw a small ball overhand and underhand
- Stand on one foot for 5 seconds
- Jump down from an object without falling
Wow! I’m Five now!! I can . . .
- Turn a somersault
- Skip
- Jump over a rope 10 inches high with feet together
- Go down stairs alternating feet without the railing
- Stand on one foot for 10 seconds
- Catch a small ball using only the hands
- Jump forward 3 feet keeping both feet together