Preschool Program


The special education preschool program is based on the premise that individuals with disabilities expected to function within a typical world, must first learn to do so when they are children.  We also believe that typically-developing individuals must develop appreciation and acceptance of individual differences in all people.

The program strives to “live” this philosophy by its commitment to providing services to children with disabilities and typically developing preschoolers in an integrated setting.  This philosophy incorporates the physical, instructional and social integration of all youngsters as the fundamental goal of the program.

The Berlin School System offers a variety of services and programs for preschool children who are 3.0 years of age or older. Our special education preschool program provides a full continuum of services ranging from itinerant therapies to attendance in one of our classrooms. Currently our preschool classrooms are housed at Willard School and student participation can range from three days to five days per week depending on individual needs. Our classroom programs provide a typical preschool curriculum as well as individualized instruction and therapies including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy and behavioral/psychological support. Our preschool classes provide students with an integrated setting with typically developing peers.

Our preschool classrooms utilize the principles of the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS). Our classrooms provide students with opportunities for rich language experiences, academic skill development, gross and fine motor development, and facilitated play experiences that are developmentally appropriate. In addition, activities that encourage development of social and peer interaction skills as well as adaptive/self-help skills are embedded in all aspects of the day.

Children become eligible to participate in our preschool programs in several different ways. 

1.The Berlin Schools offers a yearly town-wide preschool screening program. 

2.Some preschoolers have been identified with special needs before their third birthday through the Birth-to-Three System and may be referred to the public school as they approach their third birthday.

3. Peer models(community volunteers) are chosen through a lottery system. Parents who wish to have their children be part of the lottery indicate their interest at the time of preschool screening in March. Transportation to and from school for our peer models is not provided by the school system at this time.